A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children…. (Proverbs 13:22)
We are humbled that God has prepared a way for us to have a place called “home” when we arrive in Japan this year’s end. The house is a 30+ year old, traditional Japanese home that Meg’s Grandparents had built on Meg’s Great-Grandparents land. Including Chloe and Ethan into this generational count, that is 5 generations this land will provide for… amazing!!!
Meg’s Grandmother is 89 years old this year. She has lived a fruitful life and is a joy to be around. She is now living in a nursing home, where at times she is forgetful and does not have energy these days. She suffered a fall recently, needing stitches above her eye. Two weeks ago, she communicated to Meg’s mother that she wants us to use her home if we desire to do so.
Her invitation was one of three communications we received regarding her house. The first time was from Meg’s uncle (the eldest of the two siblings, the other being Meg’s mom) during our vision trip in the summer of 2015. The second was in May of 2016 during a run, a mental image of me picking weeds as if we already lived there on Grandma’s property. And the 3rd, Grandma’s invitation.
Although, we had another house we were looking at that had more practical and functional space for inviting people to and for our family to live, we know God has something in store for us at Grandma’s house.
Our entire journey has been about listening and taking steps in the direction we feel and often times know the Holy Spirit leading us. Being obedient through this journey has been great training in the area of self-discipline, a faith-builder, a constant reminder that we are moving in the direction God wants us to and a whole different kind of freedom.
We would be grateful if you would keep Grandma in your prayers.