… cooler temperatures and back to normal rhythms! First Summer in Japan Our first summer in Japan was exciting, memorable and productive! Chloe was on summer break for 5 weeks
Japan Update – Flood 2018, Mission Activity, Host Family Opportunity
Hey Friends! A lot has been happening since our last update. God continues to put people in our path allowing us to share the love of Jesus with our friends
Japan Update: Gogatsu (May)
Much To Celebrate Wow, we have been in Japan for 5 months ALREADY, time flies! …OR… we have ONLY been in Japan for 5 months, it seems longer! Honestly, I
March Update: Spring is here!
It has been two months to the day that we arrived at our new home in Japan and for the most part are all settled-in. We have cleared out a
Thank You and Happy New Year!
Initial Update from Japan We do not have internet or wifi at home as of yet, so we have not been able to freely jump on the computer and communicate
Mission Japan: T minus 20 days!
Pray for our family and the island nation of Japan Our family is 20 days from departing the USA! We have a lot of mixed emotions, but overall we are
Happy Thanksgiving!
“Give thanks in all circumstances… ” (1 Thes. 5:18) Of course it’s easy to quote this around Thanksgiving and Christmas, ’tis the season, right? This is the one area our
Love the Fatherless
Victims of Sole-Custody Divorce I first met this little girl, while stationed in Japan, when she was 10 months old. She was fatherless. See, I had dated and soon after
Giving Thanks!
God Shows Up I am reminded of the early church in Acts 2:42 – 47. As we have been preparing for our mission for the past couple of years, we
Mission Japan: 100 Days!
100 Days until projected departure date Wednesday, September 20th, marks 100 days until our projected departure date! As of late people ask: “You guys are leaving soon aren’t you, how